Sunday, April 24, 2011

Lega-c Presents: "The Glow" Contest

Ok, here's the deal. I have this track I want to put a feature verse on. The song is already equipped with 2 verses from me(1st/3rd) and a hook. This is where you come in,  I need somebody to fill the open spot, but not just anybody. I need someone who can completely obliterate this verse, as I LOVE this track. Think you're up to it? 

If so the rules are as follows:
1. Original verses only.
2. Decent Quality (Not perfect, but decent enough for the song)
3. Outshine Me. Straight up
4. When completed send the completed product to


What do you win?
In the event that you do give me a verse that completely blows my mind, I will release the song to the public, and you have a guaranteed spot on my next project. As you may know, (if you listen to my music), I don't put many features on my projects. So do your best, it will be of great benefit to you. and me! Have fun!

That's it!

Download "The Glow" HERE
